Friday, December 28, 2007

Jason Stronghold

Friday, December 28, 2007
Robert (9:10 PM): I'm a little behind
Astralknight Lore (9:10 PM): Hm?
Robert (9:12 PM): I said that we'd start at 8 p.m. and it is nine
Astralknight Lore (9:12 PM): It is all right
Robert (9:12 PM): What do you think about having a voice chat session? I know of a way
Astralknight Lore (9:12 PM): it has given me a chance to build a little bit...
Astralknight Lore (9:12 PM): and I don't have a microphone
Robert (9:12 PM): oh
Robert (9:12 PM): Do you have speakers/headphones?
Astralknight Lore (9:13 PM): I have headphones, yes
Astralknight Lore (9:13 PM): but I think I might be more comfortable with text at least at first
Robert (9:13 PM): Okay
Astralknight Lore (9:14 PM): Thanks... sorry if that is a bother
Robert (9:14 PM): no problem
Astralknight Lore (9:17 PM): I do hope you don't take too long however... I am already starting to feel an urge
Robert (9:20 PM): OKay
Robert (9:20 PM): I have to get filled up myself
Astralknight Lore (9:21 PM):
Robert (9:21 PM): Okay this is what I am going to do
Robert (9:22 PM): I am going to write the story either scene by scene or chapter by chapter and send it to you via email
Robert (9:22 PM): And I'll try to indicate places where you need to do something
Robert (9:22 PM): How does that sound? or did you want to wing it more via chat?
Astralknight Lore (9:22 PM): okay... are you sure that's not too much work? I don't want to place too much of the burden on you
Robert (9:22 PM): No
Robert (9:23 PM): I can't guarantee the quality but it serves my purpose
Astralknight Lore (9:23 PM): well, if you're comfortable with that format, then we can try it that way
Astralknight Lore (9:23 PM):
Robert (9:23 PM): Your job will be to post comments on the blog saying how you feel after each chapter. You can rate yourself on a scale that's listed at the omorashi report
Robert (9:24 PM): I'm going to send it to you
Astralknight Lore (9:25 PM): okay
Astralknight Lore (9:25 PM): I see the scale
Astralknight Lore (9:25 PM): I would say probably... a 2 right now
Robert (9:26 PM): Okay
Astralknight Lore (9:28 PM): it will probably get worse
Astralknight Lore (9:28 PM): but I wanted to leave room for extra drinking if need be
Robert (9:28 PM): Oky
Robert (9:33 PM): Okay I've changed my mine. We're going to do this through chat.
Robert (9:33 PM): I'll just paste the transcript into the blog later.
Astralknight Lore (9:33 PM): Okay, that works
Robert (9:34 PM): I'll play different parts. You'll play the part of Jason Stronghold. You work for a government agency but you're lower level.
Astralknight Lore (9:34 PM): Okay.
Robert (9:34 PM): Okay
Robert (9:37 PM): Narrator: Our story begins on a normal afternoon, as Jason Stronghold, Level G Technician for the CIA, shares a drink of water with his co-worker Derek in the break room. While Derek guzzles the water, Jason just takes little sips so as not to overtax his bladder. Because Jason has had a weak bladder since he was in high school. He hides this fact by wearing adult diapers during the day, but still feels embarrassed about it.
Robert (9:38 PM): Derek: Can you believe the shit that happened in Sector 56? An experiment goes kablooey and we're left to pick up the pieces.
Astralknight Lore (9:38 PM): Jason: Tell me about it. It's just one more example of the government at work... specifically, that no one in the government DOES any work.
Robert (9:39 PM): Derek: Yeah you said it (takes a drink)
Astralknight Lore (9:39 PM): Jason: (takes a drink, but makes sure it's a tiny sip) Well, if the government wasn't screwed up, we'd be out of work.
Robert (9:40 PM): Derek: That's true. Say, speaking of screw-ups, what kind of documents did they send to you after the explosion?
Robert (9:40 PM): (You saw lots of documents but don't want to divulge because they're top secret)
Astralknight Lore (9:41 PM): Jason: Oh, um... you know, the normal stuff. Nothing spectacular. Ha ha.
Robert (9:41 PM): Derek: Oh.
Robert (9:41 PM): Derek: (Guzzles some more)
Astralknight Lore (9:41 PM): Jason: Yeah... you know how the rules are. Can't say anything.
Robert (9:42 PM): Derek: (wipes mouth) Sure.. sure...of course, that's for people outside the CIA. I'm practically your neighbor, ye' know
Robert (9:42 PM): Derek: Man..I can't believe how thirsty I am.
Astralknight Lore (9:42 PM): Jason: (smiles weakly) Yeah, but... well, you know. The rules. (takes another small sip)
Robert (9:43 PM): Narrator: What nobody realizes is that the explosion has released an experimental toxic chemical named Thirst55X which instantly dehydrates anybody who comes in contact with it
Robert (9:44 PM): Narrator: Even Jason, who fears wetting himself, can not help but take a big gulp as he is suddenly overcome with the feeling of thirstiness
Astralknight Lore (9:44 PM): Jason: (despite his usual judgement, he finds himself taking a big gulp of his water, and another)
Robert (9:45 PM): Derek: Wow, take it easy ... (wags tongue) ...I'm going to get another drink...
Astralknight Lore (9:45 PM): Jason: Yeah, heh. Um. (he finds his glass empty) Could you also get me one?
Robert (9:47 PM): Derek: No problem. Hey, here's a couple of bottles of iced tea that nobody will notice (tosses one to Derek). Better than just water.
Robert (9:47 PM): Derek opens the bottle and chugs down the tea.
Robert (9:47 PM): Derek: Ahh...that hit the spot.
Astralknight Lore (9:47 PM): Jason: Yeah. (Knowing iced tea is somewhat caffeinated, he warns himself to be careful, but two mouthfuls have gone down before he knows it.)
Robert (9:48 PM): Sylvia: Oh hey guys
Robert (9:48 PM): Narrator: Sylvia has entered the room. Jason has had a crush on Sylvia for the last year and has always wanted to go out with her but hasn't had the guts to try
Robert (9:48 PM): Derek: Hey Sy...we were just sharing a bottle of tea. Want some?
Robert (9:49 PM): Sylvia: Don't mind if I do. I've been working like crazy ever since that chemical explosion this morning.
Robert (9:49 PM): (tosses her an iced tea)
Robert (9:49 PM): Derek: Smacking lips ... Does it feel a little dry in here?
Astralknight Lore (9:50 PM): Jason: I think I know what you mean. (The sight of Sylvia makes Jason's palms a little sweaty, and as a nervous reaction he takes another swig of his iced tea.)
Robert (9:51 PM): Sylvia: Did you hear? A bunch of people from Sector 49 were sent to Medical. I guess they were really dehydrated.
Robert (9:51 PM): Derek: Say, Sylvia, did you happen to see any documents from Sector 53 this morning?
Astralknight Lore (9:52 PM): Jason: I hadn't heard that. (forces himself to take just a sip, despite the fact he feels parched)
Robert (9:53 PM): Sylvia: No, but I tried to block out most of the stuff. Top Secret and all.
Robert (9:53 PM): Derek: Oh. (Reaches over and pours another glass of water)
Astralknight Lore (9:53 PM): Jason: (eyes it and takes a controlled sip) Yeah, I've had to deal with some of the Top Secret files also.
Robert (9:55 PM): Sylvia: Wasn't it pretty scary? i could feel the explosion all of the way from my desk. I heard some windows were smashed.
Astralknight Lore (9:55 PM): Jason: (nod)
Robert (9:55 PM): Derek: Ohhhh...I need some more water!
Astralknight Lore (9:55 PM): Jason: (is taking small sips, but many of them) Yeah... I don't know why, I almost never drink this much.
Robert (9:56 PM): (Authors note: Are you drinking at the same time as your character? I am coordinating my consumption w/ Derek)
Robert (9:57 PM): Sylvia: should slow down...Say, maybe you should go to Medical. You're drinking an awful lot of water.
Astralknight Lore (9:57 PM): (Yes, I have been. I thought of that.)
Robert (9:57 PM): (Gushdude: Cool)
Robert (9:57 PM): Derek: Jason's been drinking as much as me.
Robert (9:57 PM): Sylvia: Well maybe we should all go down to Sickbay.
Astralknight Lore (9:58 PM): Jason: You think so?
Robert (9:58 PM): Narrator: The three leave the breakroom and head towards Medical on the other side of campus
Robert (9:58 PM): (What's your bladder desperation score (bds)?)
Astralknight Lore (9:58 PM): (A 4)
Robert (9:59 PM): Nurse: Hello. Names please.
Robert (9:59 PM): Sylvia: Sylvia Stout
Astralknight Lore (9:59 PM): Jason: Jason Stronghold.
Robert (9:59 PM): Derek: Derek Longbottom
Robert (9:59 PM): Nurse: OKay and what seems to be the problem?
Robert (9:59 PM): Derek: Jason, you tell them.
Robert (10:00 PM): er, I mean her

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